Looking for a solution for your pains? Buy now the EGO Heating Pillow and experience this extremely comfortable, pleasant and useful pillow.
Microwave Heating Pillow is made from natural materials like flax seed and lavender flowers that need to be heated in a microwave for short duration. The heat stored in the contents of the pillow lasts almost for about an hour and provides immediate relief from muscle aches. It is best to be used to provide relief from stiff neck, muscle pull, back and shoulder ache and other join pain. It also provides relief from pain due to excessive physical exertion, running, walking and the excruciating menstrual cramps by increasing the flexibility of troubled tissues. They are highly therapeutic for aches and pains and are excellent stress reliever. The pillow can also be used for relief from swellings and burns by refrigerating it for two hours in the freezer. Microwave heating pillow can also be used to warm the bed before sleeping on extremely cold and chilly days. The heating pillow is available in several colors.
The pillow heats instantly and requires no elaborate advanced preparation. It is extremely safe and non-toxic as it is made of natural components. Heating pillow is completely durable and portable and is re-usable innumerable times and therefore is a onetime investment. Extremely light weight, weighing about 850 grams, it is easy to carry around as well. The microwave heating pillow dimensions are 25 cm X 17 cm. It is extremely comfortable and pleasant as the heating pillow makes you feel so cozy and provides such ease that helps you to fall asleep fast. The heating pillow is available in several colors. The pillow is extremely useful and the functional benefits are so high that it is a must have for every household. It can also be gifted to friends and relatives suffering from regular body pain. Buy now and experience the comfort and utility of the pillow yourself.